Exercise 1: Small, safe steps
Here the goal is to learn fast feedback and making changes without breaking things. Both are essential skills for TDD.
Clone the project https://github.com/luontola/tdd-mooc-small-steps and follow its instructions.
The assignment is to refactor the above code to replace Date class with Temporal.PlainDate class. Repeat this refactoring many times. Focus on doing as small changes as possible, so that all tests will pass between every change. Practice smaller and smaller steps, until you can do the whole refactoring by changing only one or two lines at a time, in under 10 minutes.
In the study groups, we could have a playful competition about doing this refactoring using the smallest possible steps or as quickly as possible. This kind of mechanical refactorings, which don't require thinking, benefit from training your muscle memory and learning IDE shortcuts.
What to submit
- Submit this exercise as "part1". Provide a Git repository with the history of you doing this refactoring, so that the commits are as small as possible and all the tests pass on every commit.
- Doing the TCR challenge is the simplest way to create such small commits.
- Fill this questionnaire.
Effort estimate
- Minimum: 1 hours
- Average: 3 hours
- Doing the refactoring once takes ~10 minutes, but you should repeat it many times and practice different approaches.
Reference solution
There is no substitute to practise. The instructions listed two example refactoring strategies. Practise their mechanics until you can do them smoothly.
Exercise 2: Tetris
This is the primary exercise for learning TDD. It will teach writing tests first, working incrementally and evolutionary design.
Clone the project https://github.com/luontola/tdd-mooc-tetris and follow its instructions.
The assignment is to write a Tetris game using TDD. The first couple dozen tests have already been written for you, so that it'll be easier to get into the rhythm of writing tests first.
What to submit
- Submit this exercise as "part2". Provide a Git repository with the source code and history of you doing this exercise.
- Submit it after doing all 10 levels. The exercise submission system doesn't support editing old submissions.
- Fill this questionnaire.
Effort estimate
- Minimum: 11 hours
- Average: 38 hours
- The exercise is split into 10 levels of roughly the same size, though level 4 is bigger due to the need for major refactoring.
Reference solution
There's a screencast of doing an older version of this exercise. It's in Java instead of JavaScript, but otherwise it's pretty much the same.
The reference branch of the exercise's Git repository contains an implementation up to level 4. It can be helpful for gaining design ideas.
Exercise 3: Untestable code
This exercise's goal is to teach why test-last is harder than test-first, and how to cope with things that make testing hard.
Clone the project https://github.com/luontola/tdd-mooc-untestable-code and follow its instructions.
The assignment is to refactor the untestable code examples to make them testable, and then write tests for them.
What to submit
- Submit this exercise as "part3". Provide a Git repository with the source code and history of you doing this exercise.
- Fill this questionnaire.
Effort estimate
- Minimum: 2 hours
- Average: 7 hours
Reference solution
See the comments in the following code and test files for details on the testing strategy.
Untestable 1: Time
Untestable 2: Randomness
Untestable 3: Files
Untestable 4: Global and Singletons
Exercise 4: Legacy code
This exercise's goal is to learn writing tests for non-TDD'd legacy code, to make it safe to change the code.
Clone the project https://github.com/luontola/tdd-mooc-legacy-code and follow its instructions.
The assignment is to write tests for the above code, until it has 100% mutation test coverage, and then refactor it and add a new feature. See the project's readme for details.
What to submit
- Submit this exercise as "part4". Provide a Git repository with the source code and history of you doing this exercise. Also include a file with the mutation test results.
- Fill this questionnaire.
Effort estimate
- Minimum: 2 hours
- Average: 6 hours
Reference solution
Cutting Code Quickly: From 0% to Cleanly Refactored 100% Tested Code by Llewellyn Falco shows a particularly efficient way of getting the code under coverage and then refactoring it. With more primitive tooling you'll need to write more tests manually, but the basic idea of testing and refactoring the code mechanically, without having to understand the code, is valuable.
(optional) Exercise 5: Full-stack web app
This exercise's goal is to learn writing tests for real applications. You will face all the things which commonly complicate testing in the real world: database, user interface, APIs.
If you decide to not do this exercise, submit a blank response as "part5": Leave the exercise checkbox unchecked, enter 0 or 1 hours as the duration, and write a dummy repository URL (it doesn't need to exist).
You may clone the project template https://github.com/luontola/tdd-mooc-webapp to get started, but fundamentally the tool choices are up to you. Any programming language is okay.
The assignment is to write a To-Do List app using TDD. It needs to have a SPA web user interface, an API backend and a database.
Only a few basic features are needed: add a to-do item, rename a to-do item, mark a to-do item completed, archive all completed to-do items. Authentication is not needed.
Start the app's development using the walking skeleton approach. Focus on writing tests on every level of the stack:
- use unit tests to cover as much of the code as is possible to unit test
- also unit test the user interface components (visual testing is optional)
- tests for the UI components should not depend on the API
- use focused integration tests for the database and API layers
- tests for the API (request routing and validation) should not depend on the database
- tests for the database should not depend on the API
- write only one end-to-end test which requires a fully deployed application (e.g. Docker containers running locally) to make sure that things are wired together correctly (start with this - see walking skeleton)
What to submit
- Submit this exercise as "part5". Provide a Git repository with the source code and history of you doing this exercise.
- Fill this questionnaire.
Effort estimate
- Minimum: 10 hours
- Average: 32 hours
- Much of the effort is in setting up the infrastructure, and that becomes the faster the more old full-stack projects you have from where to copy-paste snippets.
(No reference solution available)
Exercise 6: Conway's Game of Life
This exercise's goal is to review what you have learned during this course.
Create a screen recording video which shows you programming this exercise. This is like this course's final exam to demonstrate that you can write code using TDD.
โ ๏ธ If you wish to receive ECTS study credits, remember to enroll on this course before the course ends.
The assignment is to write Conway's Game of Life using TDD. Write it as a command line application which takes as input a pattern file in RLE format and the number of generations to simulate, and then outputs the resulting pattern in RLE format after the specified number of generations.
For test data, you can download RLE files from LifeWiki; see the Pattern files section in each pattern's infobox, on the right side of the page. Glider, Blinker and Block are some of the simplest patterns. Gosper glider gun is an example of an infinitely growing pattern. Clicking the animated picture on a pattern's wiki page opens the LifeViewer app, from which you can also select and copy to clipboard the pattern's specific generation.
Any programming language is okay. For a starter project, you may use https://github.com/luontola/tdd-mooc-new-js-project (JavaScript), https://github.com/swkBerlin/kata-bootstraps (many languages) or build your own.
What to submit
- Record a video of you coding this exercise from the beginning to the end.
- Audio commentary is not necessary (we'll anyway use 5x playback speed when checking the submissions). No textual explanations either (they just make it slower to see how you code). The video only needs to show your text editor and test runner as you write code, so that we can check that you use TDD.
- Use a screen recording software such as OBS Studio (see instructions) or similar. Remember to do a short test recording before doing the real thing, to make sure that the recording shows your editor and test runner.
- Upload the video to any video streaming service (e.g. unlisted video on YouTube) and include a link to the video in the comment field as you submit the Git repository. Having the link in the Git repository's readme file is also fine. If the video is in multiple parts, provide all their links or a link to a playlist which contains all of them.
- Submit this exercise as "part6". Provide a Git repository with the source code and history of you doing this exercise. Write a link to your screen recording video in the comment field.
- Fill this questionnaire.
Effort estimate
- Minimum: 6 hours
- Average: 13 hours
Reference solution
There's a screencast of doing this exercise. Enable subtitles for commentary. Pay attention to the choice of what tests to write in which order, so that the implementation can be driven in small increments. Also note how quickly the first end-to-end test is made pass, after which the walking skeleton is fleshed out while keeping the tests green.